A recent image captured by NASA’s Curiosity Rover on Mars seems to clearly show a carved “door” in a protruding rock face on the surface. Avid conspiracy theorists are abuzz, theorizing this to be possible proof of alien life.
Photograph of Mars recently released by NASA appears to show a geometric “doorway” carved into rock.
While alien life is much anticipated, scientists have said the likely explanation for the rectangular gap on Mars is contained within the photograph itself upon closer inspection. Professor Senjeev Gupta of Imperial College London has explained that the gap is formed through “normal geological processes” which can result in deep crack fissures causing such a recession in the rock face.
Looking at the image, a deep fissure is seen inside the "door", indicating the presence of a fracture in the rock. This phenomena has been seen on both Mars and well-documented on Earth as well. Available data suggests that these types of crack can occur anytime within the last millions of years.
According to Professor Gupta, "The crack is a fracture and they are abundant on Mars and Earth - no need for marsquakes to produce them…There is nothing at all strange in the image - these are just normal geological processes”.
Snopes, the popular fact-checking website, has noted that based on information from NASA the “doorway” is much smaller than perceived in the image which is far zoomed in. The gap is likely quite small contributing to the geological activity explanation.
A NASA spokesperson said, the team's scientists underlined just how small it is" at about 30 centimeters by 45 centimeters. "There are linear fractures throughout this outcrop, and this is a location where several linear fractures happen to intersect", the spokesperson added.
While the discovery of alien architecture would be an exciting development indeed, we’re going to simply enjoy the beauty of nature’s formations for now.
Nasa’s Curiosity rover is set to continue its ongoing exploration of the terrain for another two years giving researchers more data on the presence of possible life on Mars. Perhaps we’ll discover extraterrestrial buildings yet…